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Two Stripes was born on 16 July 2014. On this day, my little brother Tallander was promoted to the rank of Private First Class in the Royal Dutch Army. After the months of struggles and hardships he and his comrades had gone through, it was his life’s biggest achievement. Full of pride, with honour, he showed the world his hard-earned Two Stripes.

The next day, Thursday 17 July, he checked in for flight MH17. Destination: Bali. Full of anticipation, he was embarking on a three-week adventure to the Island of the Gods to see our brother, Julian, who lives there.

Together with 297 other people, Tallander never reached his destination. Shot down above a field of sunflowers in Eastern Ukraine. Literally ending life on a high.

It absolutely devastated us.

But one thing became a mantra during the years that followed. The Two Stripes. They represented so much for us. He had battled. And he had endured a lot. But always with two eyes on the prize. Chasing his goal. He never gave up and he never gave in. With dedication, discipline, a positive attitude and hard work he showed himself and others that his efforts, in the end, would pay off.
Two Stripes therefore represents D E D I C A T I O N, R E S I L I E N C E, H O N O U R and a commitment to N E V E R G I V E U P.

More than a year ago I designed my first Two Stripes-inspired logo. It was something I had thought about for a long time but I’d never put thoughts into action. Julian gave me the last push, to turn the idea into a reality.
He and a mate helped me create the current logos. The Two Stripes are intricately part of them. And Tallander’s unique military register number is woven into one of them.

The first stock of Two Stripes clothes has been available for two weeks now and the love and feedback I have received from those who wear them is heart-warming. I feel proud. And I hope you wear it with pride, and always remember what it stands for.
I’ve never really been motivated to sell clothes, and certainly not for profit. But it’s something I do with pride and honour, to share the values of my late little brother. With honour and dedication.

Never Give Up.


Get to Know Us

From the beginning, the mission has been to use high quality garments in the most responsible and ecological way.
Two Stripes Clothing is therefore eco-friendly fashion. Because we care! 

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